Caring & Sharing Pittsburgh invited Three Rivers Leathernecks to participate again in the river cruise it hosts annually for four days after Labor Day for Veterans. Detachment 310 performed a rifle salute while Taps played after a memorial wreath was dropped at The Point by the Cooties on Friday, September 8, 2018. Bob Abbott, Caring & Sharing Pittsburgh President for the past 13 years, sat at the reception desk, greeting the Veterans from various areas of the greater Pittsburgh area including Erie and West Virginia. Bob, a former Marine served for three years and did a tour in Korea, has volunteered with Caring & Sharing for 32 years. This well-organized event comes together only with the participation of 17 different organizations volunteering. The Salvation Army Disaster Relief provided hot coffee and donuts first thing in the morning. The Cooties presented a $2,000 check to Caring & Sharing.